How I Enjoy Rainy Fall Days

Hello there! It has been a few months since I’ve been active on here, hasn’t it? With the craziness of jumping from event to activity to project, I haven’t really been able to sit and write as much as I would have liked. But now, I’m in between seasons. In that space of time between the end of summer (with my camps and trips) and the beginning of the holidays (with family gatherings and events). I should be able to post more now and I have some ideas that I will hopefully find the time to write. I am so looking forward to stretching these creative muscles again. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

By now, I’m sure that you have gathered that I much prefer summer over any of the other seasons. I love the warm weather. Rainy fall days are far from being my favorite (it’s all the cold weather), but I love them in a completely different way than I do summer. In the summer, I can’t exactly bury myself under a mountain of blankets while wearing my favorite hoodie. There are many ways I enjoy a chilled, rainy fall day.


In the past, I have referred to fall as “baking season.” It’s the perfect temperature to turn on the oven and bake your favorite treats. Already this fall, I have made a cheesecake, a few apple pies, and loaf after loaf of pear bread (so. much. pear bread). I plan to bake much more and of course when it rains, I’m not too fond of being outside. So baking it is!

Snuggling Up Under a Blanket With a Book

Like I mentioned earlier, I don’t often bury myself in blankets to read during the summertime. So when it’s rainy and cold out, there is one thing at the top of my list of things I want to do. Pull on my favorite hoodie, grab a fuzzy blanket or two (or five), pick up a book, and read for a while. I might even make a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate to enjoy as well.


This is another thing I like to do in my hoodie with a bunch of blankets over my lap. Sometimes, I’ll sketch people, sometimes it’s a bunch of trees, but it’s often stars and planets. I love to have a mug of something warm in one hand and my pencil in the other. There’s just something comforting about the sound of a pencil scratching against the paper along with rain falling outside.

Listening To A Podcast

During a rainy day in autumn, I actually have the time to listen to a full episode of a podcast or two. In summer, I rarely listen to any podcasts because I bounce from event to activity to project. So in fall, I take full advantage of the slower time to catch up on an episode or two. Recently, I have been enjoying a couple podcasts in particular. One is Cooper Stuff by John Cooper. The other is a podcast that I have been meaning to listen to for a while. A dear friend of mine (a younger sister really) started a podcast with her friends, Self Evident. Take a listen to both!


Whether it’s a blog post that gets shared with you or a piece of fiction that the world will never see, I am the most inspired to write when it is cold and rainy outside. When I’m pretty much stuck inside, it gives me a chance to take the words that have been floating around in my brain out and onto a page. It might be into a blog post, a word document, or one of my notebooks from my colossal collection (it’s a bit of an addiction really). I find it so relaxing to just sit and write while rain pours down on the world outside.


Though summer is over, I am enjoying every moment in the season we are in right now. Here’s to plenty of cold, rainy days filled with the scent of baked goods, the feeling of a warm blanket wrapped around you as you read, the sound of pencils, playlists, or podcasts, and the flavors of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.

Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me!  Keep an eye out for a post from me on this site eight days from now (a super easy way to be notified is to follow or subscribe đŸ˜‰), or for a post four days from now on Though She Be Little, She Be Fierce. If you want to get in touch with me, you can click the “contact” option in the menu, or connect with me through my Instagram (probably the best way)! I try to post here and there, so you might see some sneak peeks of future posts, participate in polls, ask me questions, and interact with some of my (kinda rare) Insta posts! If you want another way to see what I’m up to, there is also a Pinterest!

Until Next Time,


-what’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy fall day?

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